Wellness clinic Lafayette, LA - Hormone Wellness Clinic


The Hormone Wellness Clinic hormone clinic in Lafayette, Louisiana provides comprehensive wellness and preventative health services focused on optimizing patients' hormone health. Our experienced physicians and nurses offer testing, diagnosis, and treatment to help patients overcome hormone deficiencies and imbalances that can lead to symptoms like low energy, poor sleep, weight gain, mental fog, and reduced libido.

At our Lafayette wellness clinic, we use advanced testing and personalized treatment plans including bioidentical hormone therapy to help patients restore optimal hormone levels and experience improved wellbeing. Read on to learn more about common hormone deficiencies, the benefits of treatment, and what makes our clinic the premier destination for hormone health in Lafayette.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Deficiencies

Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, cortisol and others decline naturally with age, but deficiencies can occur at any point in life due to factors like stress, poor diet, toxins, and medical conditions. The following highlights some key deficiency signs:

Our services

Estrogen and Progesterone Deficiency

Estrogen and progesterone begin declining during perimenopause and menopause. Deficiency can cause:

Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone levels fall in women and men as they age. Low testosterone can lead to:

Thyroid Deficiency

An underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, causes:

Cortisol Imbalances

Chronic stress can throw off cortisol production causing:

Careful testing is required to accurately diagnose hormone deficiencies. Our Lafayette clinic uses advanced lab panels to check levels of key hormones and identify imbalances.

Restore balance and vitality today at Hormone Wellness Clinic!

The Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Bioidentical hormones are identical to the hormones naturally produced in the body. At our Hormone Wellness Clinic wellness clinic in Lafayette, bioidentical hormones are commonly used for replacement therapy to restore optimal levels in men and women with deficiencies.

Compared to synthetic hormones, bioidenticals are better recognized by the body leading to improved safety and effectiveness. Some benefits include:

We customize bioidentical hormone treatments including pills, creams, gels, pellets, and injections based on each patient's unique needs and preferences.

Our Clinic's Approach to Hormone Health

The Hormone Wellness Clinic wellness clinic in Lafayette provides comprehensive care for hormone health including:

Testing and Diagnosis

Customized Treatment Plans

Follow-Up Care

We partner with each patient to optimize their hormone health on an ongoing basis. Our goal is to get patients feeling their best through proper testing, personalized care, and excellent follow-up.

Why Choose Our Lafayette Hormone Clinic?

There are many reasons patients choose the Hormone Wellness Clinic wellness clinic for their hormone health needs including:

Our experienced team looks forward to helping you optimize your hormone health, restore wellbeing, and improve your quality of life. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation!

Frequently Asked Questions

Restore your hormone health at Hormone Wellness Clinic today!

What are hormones and what do they do?

Hormones are chemical messengers produced by glands in the body that travel through the bloodstream to regulate many bodily processes and functions. Key hormones include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, thyroid hormone, and others. Some roles hormones play include metabolism, growth, sexual function, mood, cognition, and more.

What causes hormone deficiencies?

Hormones naturally decline with age, but deficiencies can occur at any point due to:

Deficiencies occur when hormone production falls below optimal levels needed for health.

How are hormone deficiencies diagnosed?

We diagnose deficiencies through lab testing of hormone levels in the blood, saliva or urine and evaluating symptoms. Initial blood tests check key hormones like estradiol, testosterone, thyroid hormones, DHEA, and cortisol. If results reveal imbalances, further testing can identify the root cause.

What are the main treatment options for hormone deficiencies?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is commonly used to restore optimal hormone levels. We customize treatments including pills, creams, gels, injections, pellets, and patches based on the patient’s needs and preferences. Lifestyle changes to diet, exercise, stress levels also support hormone health.

How soon will I feel better after starting hormone therapy?

Most patients notice some improvements within 2-4 weeks after beginning bioidentical hormone replacement. However full benefits commonly take 2-3 months as optimal levels build up. We monitor your progress carefully and adjust dosing to help you feel your best.

In Conclusion

Optimizing your hormone health is critical for overcoming deficiency symptoms, slowing aging, and enhancing wellbeing. The physicians and staff at our Hormone Wellness Clinic wellness clinic in Lafayette look forward to helping you look, feel and live your best through personalized testing, bioidentical hormone replacement, and ongoing care. Contact us today to start your journey towards renewed vitality!

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